Recreational fishing in the lower basin of the Santa Cruz river(Patagonia, Argentina) in the face of damming scenarios

Recreational fisheries in the lower Santa Cruz River


  • Facundo M. Llompart Instituto de Ciencias Polares, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego (ICPAUNTDF). Ushuaia, Argentina. Laboratorio de Ecología, Fisiología y Evolución de Organismos Acuáticos, Centro Australde Investigaciones Científicas, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CADIC-CONICET). Ushuaia,Argentina
  • Tomás Maiztegui Laboratorio de Ecología de Peces, Instituto de Limnología Dr. R. Ringuelet, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (ILPLA-CONICET). La Plata, Argentina
  • Darío Colautti Laboratorio de Ecología de Peces, Instituto de Limnología Dr. R. Ringuelet, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (ILPLA-CONICET). La Plata, Argentina
  • Ruben Hudson Estación de Piscicultura Isla Pavón, Comandante Luis Piedrabuena. Santa Cruz, Argentina
  • Claudio R. M. Baigún Laboratorio de Ecología Pesquera Aplicada, Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IIIA-CONICET). San Martín, Argentina



recreational fishing, anadromous salmonids, anglers, dams, Patagonian rivers


The Steelhead ecotype (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) have promoted a recreational fishery in the Santa Cruz river, the last large free flowing river of Patagonia. However, two dams are being built upstream in the middle course, potentially affecting the life cycle of these anadromous salmonids. The study describes the dynamics of the recreational fishing of the Santa Cruz river around Piedrabuena city and anglers perceptions, discussing its trends according to possible river connectivity scenarios. The fishery was assessed through a monthly year-round field sampling from April 2018 to April 2019, developing instantaneous angler counts, discriminating fishing methods, effort, and catch per unit effort; also, in situ interviews were used to collect information on anglers’ motivations and perceptions. In addition, information on fishing tournaments was used. Three fishing zones (FZ) were identified near Piedrabuena city: FZ-1, located downstream where anglers used baited hook and line to catch the native marine Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus); FZ-2, located in the town where baited hook and line, spinning, and fly-cast are used to catch Patagonian blenny and salmonids; FZ-3 located upstream the town, where fishing effort was mainly directed to salmonids employing spinning and fly-cast. Fishing effort showed a seasonal pa�ern with high values from March to May and September to October, agreeing with Steelhead and Chinook salmon runs, respectively. The most relevant motivations for anglers were nonoriented catch variables. Anglers preferred the capture of salmonids over native species, considering dams to be a major threat to fishery. Although a postdamming scenario could allow the adult salmonids to migrate upstream, the current reproduction grounds of Steelhead will be flooded, and juveniles and adults of both species will be hindered in their downstream migration to sea. These aspects seem to seriously compromise the future of these unique fisheries.


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Recreational fishing in the lower basin of the Santa Cruz river(Patagonia, Argentina) in the face of damming scenarios




How to Cite

Llompart, F. M., Maiztegui, T., Colautti, D., Hudson, R., & Baigún, C. R. M. (2024). Recreational fishing in the lower basin of the Santa Cruz river(Patagonia, Argentina) in the face of damming scenarios: Recreational fisheries in the lower Santa Cruz River. Ecología Austral, 272–285.


