Sampling protocol for the estimation of bat diversity with mist nets in ecological studies


  • Julio C. Bracamonte Centro de Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. San Salvador de Jujuy. Jujuy, Argentina.



Bats represent a considerable proportion of the mammals of the Neotropics; thus, it is important to understand the ecological processes that occur in their ecosystems. For such purposes, the capture of bats with the mist-netting method has been more intensively used and is widely recognized. However, research groups do not always include experienced people to carry out the trapping and to transmit their knowledge on the subject. In this work, I make available both for students and researchers who are new to the use of mist-netting a protocol that will facilitate their performance and will allow obtaining results comparable with other studies. On the other hand, I highlight the need to consider the welfare of the animals under study at the time of capturing.

Author Biography

Julio C. Bracamonte, Centro de Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. San Salvador de Jujuy. Jujuy, Argentina.

Centro de Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas, Facultad de Ingeniería


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Protocolo de muestreo para la estimación de la diversidad de murciélagos con redes de niebla en estudios de ecología



How to Cite

Bracamonte, J. C. (2018). Sampling protocol for the estimation of bat diversity with mist nets in ecological studies. Ecología Austral, 28(2), 446–454.