Will we be able to manage our native forests in a sustainable way?


  • Rosina M. Soler CONICET - Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas.
  • Juan H. Gowda CONICET - Laboratorio Ecotono. INIBIOMA CRUB.




Eleven years after the approval of the National Law 26,331 and after having legislated on the issue in most provinces of the country, we consider it appropriate to evaluate whether we have generated an adequate administrative, educational and scientific base as to support the sustainable management of our so diverse forests.



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¿Podremos manejar en forma sostenible nuestros bosques nativos?



How to Cite

Soler, R. M., & Gowda, J. H. (2019). Will we be able to manage our native forests in a sustainable way?. Ecología Austral, 29(1), 120–121. https://doi.org/10.25260/EA.