Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) patterns in grasslands of the Buenos Aires province: their association to plant communities and soils


  • Pablo Vázquez
  • Mirta Calandroni
  • Fabián Cabria
  • Mónica Agnusdei
  • Maria del C. Rojas



Ecología Austral, 24:276-285 (2014)

From historical satellite data (MODIS 2000-2010), annual NDVI patterns belonging to areas of the flooding Pampas occupied by grassland or pastures were identified, associating their spatial distribution to different plant communities and soils mapped at 1:25000 scale. Twelve green index normalized patterns (PA) were identified, nine of them with two growing seasons and four PA with only one. The beginning of the regional photosynthetic activity was recorded in August, with a first NDVI peak in October and the second growing season with a NDVI peak in March. Basal NDVI was observed during the June-July period, coincident with vegetation dormancy. The adjustment of soils maps scale 1:50000 to a major degree of resolution (1:25000) with application of a flooding risk map and the SRTM 90 m digital elevation model was satisfactory for soils subgroups identification. PA had a spatial distribution compatible with observed grassland communities in the field and with soil properties mapped at detailed scale. Grassland communities seem to have de ability to adapt themselves to different soil situations, smoothing soil effects at detailed scales, except in areas with severe soil restrictions or very disturbed.


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How to Cite

Vázquez, P., Calandroni, M., Cabria, F., Agnusdei, M., & Rojas, M. del C. (2014). Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) patterns in grasslands of the Buenos Aires province: their association to plant communities and soils. Ecología Austral, 24(3), 276–285.