Reproductive phenology of queñua (Polylepis incarum, Rosaceae) during an annual cycle in the mesophytic puna of La Paz, Bolivia


  • Cecilia L. López Alipaz Carrera de Biología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Alejandra I. Domic Departamento de Antropología, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pensilvania, EE.UU. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.
  • César Mayta Carrera de Biología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Emilia García Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Silvia C. Gallegos Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia. Martin-Luther Halle-Wittenberg University, Germany.



In this study, the phenology of queñua (Polylepis incarum, Rosaceae) was evaluated during an annual cycle in the mesophytic puna of La Paz. The species is endemic to the Lake Titicaca basin. Like other species of the genus Polylepis, P. incarum is categorized as Endangered for Bolivia due to anthropic activities as firewood extraction and crop expansion. During one year (March 2015 - February 2016), we conducted monthly evaluations in a woodland located in the community of Kopacati, Copacabana department, La Paz, Bolivia. The objectives of the study were to identify flowering and fruiting times, and to assess the relationships between plant size, environmental factors and plant reproductive success. The species produces floral buds between July and August. The production of flowers in the female state occurs between July and November, and flowers in the male state, between July and October. The highest production of immature fruits took place in November, reaching maturity in December and January. Both precipitation and temperature showed a significant influence on flowers and fruits production. Diameter at breast height (DBH) was the only allometric character significantly associated to the production of flowers and fruits between trees and shrubs. There was no significant difference in the production of flowers and fruits between trees and shrubs. The phenological patterns informed for this species are similar those reported for P. tomentella and P. besseri. The results of the present study contribute to the knowledge about the reproductive biology of Polylepis incarum and to promote programs of conservation and reforestation of the species.


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Fenología reproductiva de la queñua (Polylepis incarum, Rosaceae) durante un ciclo anual en la puna mesofítica de La Paz, Bolivia



How to Cite

López Alipaz, C. L., Domic, A. I., Mayta, C., García, E., & Gallegos, S. C. (2018). Reproductive phenology of queñua (Polylepis incarum, Rosaceae) during an annual cycle in the mesophytic puna of La Paz, Bolivia. Ecología Austral, 28(1-bis), 301–309.